De conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, TALLER GLOBAL SOCIEDAD CIVIL, en lo sucesivo TALLER G pone a su disposición el siguiente aviso de privacidad.
TALLER G, es responsable del uso y protección de sus datos personales, en este sentido y atendiendo las obligaciones legales establecidas en la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, a través de este instrumento se informa a los titulares de los datos, la información que de ellos se recaba y los fines que se le darán a dicha información.
Además de lo anterior, informamos a usted que TALLER G, tiene su domicilio ubicado en: Guillermo González Camarena, Ciudad Santa Fe, 1450, Ciudad de México.
Los datos personales que recabamos de usted serán utilizados para las siguientes finalidades, las cuales son necesarias para concretar nuestra relación con usted así como atender los servicios y/o pedidos que solicite:
Brindar o mejorar un servicio; entregar un producto y campañas publicitarias de mercadotecnia.
Para llevar a cabo las finalidades descritas en el presente aviso de privacidad, utilizaremos los siguientes datos personales:
Nombre, teléfono, dirección, código postal, ciudad, estado y dirección de e-mail.
Por otra parte, informamos a usted, que sus datos personales no serán compartidos con ninguna autoridad, empresa, organización o persona distintas a nosotros y serán utilizados exclusivamente para los fines señalados.
Usted tiene en todo momento el derecho a conocer qué datos personales tenemos de usted, para qué los utilizamos y las condiciones del uso que les damos (Acceso). Asimismo, es su derecho solicitar la corrección de su información personal en caso de que esté desactualizada, sea inexacta o incompleta (Rectificación); de igual manera, tiene derecho a que su información se elimine de nuestros registros o bases de datos cuando considere que la misma no está siendo utilizada adecuadamente (Cancelación); así como también a oponerse al uso de sus datos personales para fines específicos (Oposición). Estos derechos se conocen como derechos ARCO.
Para el ejercicio de cualquiera de los derechos ARCO, usted deberá presentar la solicitud respectiva de la siguiente forma:
A través de una solicitud enviada al correo electrónico: info@taller-g.info
Lo anterior también servirá para conocer el procedimiento y requisitos para el ejercicio de los derechos ARCO, no obstante, la solicitud de ejercicio de estos derechos debe contener la siguiente información:
Nombre; Teléfono; Contenido o motivo de solicitud; Firma
La respuesta a la solicitud se dará en 5 días hábiles y se comunicará de la siguiente manera:
A través del correo electrónico info@taller-g.info
Los datos de contacto de la persona o departamento de datos personales, que está a cargo de dar trámite a las solicitudes de derechos ARCO, son los siguientes:
- a) Empresa responsable: TALLER GLOBAL SOCIEDAD CIVIL
- b) Domicilio: Guillermo González Camarena, Ciudad Santa Fe, 1450, Ciudad de México
- c) Correo electrónico: info@taller-g.info
En cualquier momento, usted puede revocar su consentimiento para el uso de sus datos personales. Del mismo modo, usted puede revocar el consentimiento que, en su caso, nos haya otorgado para el tratamiento de sus datos personales. Sin embargo, es importante que tenga en cuenta que no en todos los casos podremos atender su solicitud o concluir el uso de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por alguna obligación legal se requiera seguir tratando sus datos personales. Asimismo, usted deberá considerar que para ciertos fines, la revocación de su consentimiento implicará que no podamos seguir prestando el servicio que nos solicitó, o la conclusión de su relación con nosotros.
Para revocar el consentimiento que usted otorga en este acto o para limitar su divulgación, se deberá presentar la solicitud respectiva a través del siguiente correo electrónico: info@taller-g.info
Del mismo modo, podrá solicitar la información para conocer el procedimiento y requisitos para la revocación del consentimiento, así como limitar el uso y divulgación de su información personal, sin embargo, estas solicitudes deberán contener la siguiente información:
Nombre; Teléfono; Contenido y motivo de la solicitud; Firma.
La respuesta a la solicitud de revocación o limitación de divulgación de sus datos se dará a más tardar en 5 días hábiles y se comunicará de la siguiente forma:
A través de un correo electrónico indicado en la solicitud que se formule.
El presente aviso de privacidad puede sufrir modificaciones, cambios o actualizaciones derivadas de nuevos requerimientos legales; de nuestras propias necesidades por los productos o servicios que ofrecemos; de nuestras prácticas de privacidad; de cambios en nuestro modelo de negocio, o por otras causas, por lo cual, nos comprometemos a mantenerlo informado sobre los cambios que pueda sufrir el presente aviso de privacidad, sin embargo, usted puede solicitar información sobre si el mismo ha sufrido algún cambio a través de la siguiente dirección electrónica:
Dear User,
As data controller of your Personal Data, TALLER G would like to inform you through this policy – pursuant the articles 14 and 15 of the European Regulation (EU) n. 679/2016 (hereinafter the “Regulations“), governing the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data – to explain how we process the data provided in the context of access, navigation and use of this website so that you can consciously and freely express consent to the processing.
It should be noted that this policy is not provided for any other sites consulted by the Data Subject through hyperlinks that lead from the Controller to other websites. Therefore, the existence of a link to another website does not imply endorsement or acceptance of responsibility by the Controller regarding the content of the website to which the Data Subject is referred, also in relation to the policy adopted for the processing of Personal Data and to its use.
The Data Controller of Personal Data is TALLER G, with registered office in Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena No.1450 PB (hereinafter the “Controller“).
An updated list of Data Processors is available from the Controller and may be requested writing an e-mail to info@taller-g.info, or with a written request to the Controller, at his office address, mentioned above.
The Personal Data can be collected by the Data Controller depending on the use of the TALLER G website made by the Data Subject. The Controller may receive Personal Data from third parties if the Data Subject has given consent to the communication of his/her Personal Data.
- Navigation data are acquired by the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website. This information is not collected to identify the Data Subject, but it is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Data Subjects who connect to the website, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the numerical code indicating the status of the response provided by the server (good order, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the browser used by the Data Subject. These data may be used by the competent authorities to determine the responsibility in case of computer crimes against the website.
- The Controller may also acquire the Personal Data through the website if the Data Subject:
— intends to submit his/her curriculum vitae to TALLER G;
— wishes to receive the TALLER G newsletter;
— has given consent to other companies, such as organizers of conferences to which the Data Subject has taken part in and in which TALLER G is the sponsor or is among the speakers;
— requests a specific service managed by TALLER G (Coordinated Image Projects, study of solutions for package design, website and online store design, development of Marketing and communication);
— uses the services and requests concerning the qualification of a partner (Coordinated Image Projects, study of package design solutions, website and online store design, development of Marketing and communication strategies).
- The Controller does not acquire Personal Data through the use of Cookies. The Cookies used by the website aim only to guarantee the best performance of the website itself, therefore they do not have the function of data collection.
The types of Personal Data that the Controller may collect for the below-mentioned purposes there are:
- Data Subject details such as Name and Surname, Address, Telephone Number, Date of Birth, E-mail Address;
- Photographs and videos;
- Data deriving from cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies;
The Data Controller may process the Data Subject’s personal data for the following purposes:
- To recruit and select personnel to be hired at TALLER G or at subsidiaries or affiliates of TALLER G;
- For marketing and (commercial profiling) purposes in order to:
— update the Data Subject with initiatives, events, specific organized, new products and services by sending the TALLER G newsletter or other kinds of communication;
— send promotional-advertising material and/or commercial proposals. - To manage the relationship with the members or the process of joining new members.
The Controller may communicate the Data Subject’s personal data to:
- Companies based in Italy and France that provide TALLER G with services for the management of the TALLER G information system;
- Local public bodies (municipalities) within Italy and France.
- The collected data may be communicated to subjects who are recognized by law the right and interest to access the Personal Data, and to staff within the organizational structure of the Controller.
In some of the cases mentioned above, the Controller has entered into a contract with the third party that provides a service to TALLER G and has appointed it “Data Processor” in accordance. This document is for the exclusive use of the customer TALLER G with the Regulations. If the said party processes the Personal Data, said processing can take place only limited to the type of service that is performed by the same and in any case fulfilling the obligations imposed by the Data Controller on the processing of Personal Data.
Pursuant to articles 44 and following of the GDPR, your personal data could be transferred to Third Parties located in countries not belonging to the European Union or to the European Economic Area. In these circumstances, TALLER G ensures the adoption of adequate guarantees.
Data will be processed using electronic and, in some cases, paper means, informed by the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and the protection of your privacy and rights at any time, in compliance with the provisions of current legislation. Technical and organizational security measures have been adopted in order to protect data from destruction or loss, even accidental, and against unauthorized access or disclosure.
Consequently, in the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, the Controller will use the Data for the mentioned purposes and for the time strictly necessary to execute such purposes. In any case, the Data Controller will take every care to avoid using the same data indefinitely.
In particular, we highlight the following timing related to the purposes of processing:
- Personal Data collected for the purposes of recruiting and selecting personnel to be hired at TALLER G or at subsidiaries or affiliates of TALLER G: six months;
- Personal Data collected for marketing and commercial profiling purposes: 24 months;
- Personal Data collected for the management of the relationship with the members or the process of joining new members: for the entire duration of the social relationship, excepting the case where it is still needed to retain said data for meeting any legal requirement.
In any case, the Data Subject has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time.
All Personal Data provided by the Data Subject during the navigation of the website of TALLER G is strictly functional to the management of the site.
The registration procedure to access certain specific areas of the website is mandatory in order to exclude unauthorized access to the services offered. Provision of Personal Data for the purposes of registration and access to some areas of the site is optional, but failure to collect determines the inability to forward information or requests to the site.
The Data Controller may appoint Data Processors to companies or entities that provide services that involve the processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Controller. The updated list of the Processors is available from the Controller and can be requested at any time from the Controller at the above-mentioned contact details.
In relation to the processing of Personal Data, pursuant to art. 13, paragraph 2, letters (b) and (d), 15, 18, 19 and 21 of the Policy, the Data Subject of this website has the right to:
- Ask the Data Controller to access, rectify or cancel his/her own Personal Data or limit their processing; lodge a complaint to the Data Protection Authority, or to the Authority of the country in which it usually works, or, finally, to the Supervisory Authority of the country in which the violation took place;
- The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part, at any time:
— To the processing of personal data, having legitimate grounds even though the data are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
— To the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or of carrying out market research or commercial communication.
The Data Subject also has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of Data at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
Any corrections, cancellations or limitations on processing carried out upon request by the Data Subject, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort, will be communicated by the Data Controller to each of the recipients to whom the Personal Data have been transmitted. The Controller may communicate to the Data Subject such recipients upon request by the Data Subject.
The exercise of the rights is not subject to any form constraint and it is free.
The Data Subject can exercise his/her rights by sending a communication to the following e-mail address: info@taller-g.info, or a written request to the Controller at the registered office.